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October 2024

When should a PTA seek charitable registration and what does that mean?

October 2024

Education and Skills Funding Agency to close and its functions to be integrated into the Department for Education by 31 March 2025.

August 2024

Implications for schools and academy trusts.

July 2024

Updated guidance for schools, colleges and academy trusts from 1 September 2024

July 2024

We look here at why compliance is important and some key observations from our compliance work with academy trusts.

June 2024

We look at the key policies of the main political parties for schools and academy trusts.

May 2024

We look at the key aspects of the new school attendance guidance which comes into effect before the end of the Summer break.

April 2024

An overview of the latest DfE guidance and its implications for schools and academy trusts

April 2024

Independent schools face fundraising challenges in a tough climate. Learn best practices for compliant and effective fundraising policies.

February 2024

With the first phase of implementation anticipated on 4 March 2024, we consider the impact the new requirements may have on your organisation.

February 2024

We look here at local authorities charging schools and academies for permanent exclusions and whether this is allowed by relevant legislation.

January 2024

An outline of the requirements with regard to energy certificates and MEES, and their implications for academy trusts.

January 2024

ESG (short for environmental, social and governance) is a hot topic but what is it and do academy trusts need an ESG strategy?

January 2024

This article looks at the opportunities, challenges and risks of generative AI for schools and trust leaders.

November 2023

What circumstances mean an academy trust may need to set up a subsidiary company to carry out trading activity, in order to comply with charity law?

October 2023

We look here at the key education highlights from the autumn Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat Party conferences.

September 2023

We look at what trust leaders can do to challenge local authority SEND decisions and provide legal and practical tips to help achieve a resolution.

July 2023

With mergers back on the agenda, we look at what we mean by a merger and some key issues trust boards and leaders need to consider.

July 2023

We summarise the key changes which trust leaders need to be aware of in the recently published Academy Trust Handbook.

July 2023

EAT: tribunal must consider whether dismissal was because of a justified objection to the way protected beliefs were manifested.

June 2023

Supreme Court rules religious organisation was not vicariously liable for rape by community elder.

May 2023

We review the proposed changes to the Data Protection and Digital Information (No.2) Bill (“the Bill”) and consider their impact on academy trusts.

May 2023

We look at what further support trusts can offer to those in need and explore the legal issues trust leaders need to consider when providing support.

May 2023

We look at the Trust Quality Descriptions published in draft by the DfE on 24 April 2023 and encourage trust leaders to provide their feedback.

April 2023

Disciplinary action was taken because of objectionable manifestation of religious beliefs rather than the beliefs themselves.

March 2023

Ensuring compliance with ESFA guidance on severance payments.

March 2023

We explore how trust leaders can further engage with stakeholders and foster unity within the constraints of funding and government guidance.

February 2023

Key legal considerations for schools and academy trusts.

January 2023

Academy trusts must comply with their procurement obligations under the Academy Trust Handbook 2022 and the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.

January 2023

NEU members will take strike action in February and March.

May 2022

We look at the role of the accounting officer in ensuring their trust board complies with its regulatory and legal responsibilities.

April 2022

A question of authority.

March 2022

We look here at the key highlights from the latest schools white paper, setting out the government’s policy and legislative proposals for the sector

March 2022

What are the hallmarks of a fair redundancy process?

February 2022

What are the legal risks of high staff turnover and reliance on agency staff in schools?

January 2022

We look here at the key elements of the DfE updated and consolidated guidance on external reviews of governance.

November 2021

We look here at the legal and practical reasons why academy trusts need to manage conflicts of interest and what this means for them in practice.

October 2021

Additional requirements for academy trusts considering agreed exits for staff.

September 2021

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion - what is behind the words?

September 2021

School Aged Immunisation Service will be legally responsible for the rollout.

July 2021

We look here at the benefits of good governance for schools and academy trusts.

June 2021

The latest Academies Financial Handbook, now called the Academy Trust Handbook, has been published. We look here at the key changes.

June 2021

Schools are already dealing with concerns about the possibility of vaccinating pupils.

May 2021

Lack of manual handling training in lifting disabled pupil was a fundamental breach of contract.

March 2021

New proposed measures continue debate on free speech on university campuses.

February 2021

The legal considerations for schools and academy trusts.

January 2021

We explore what we have learnt about Academy Trust Governance during Covid-19.

January 2021

We look at the position for special schools and alternative provision following last night’s televised address by Boris Johnson.

December 2020

What should schools and academy trusts consider before observing remote and face to face lessons in the Covid-19 crisis?

November 2020

We look at the key highlights for multi academy trusts from the DfE’s School and Trust Governance Investigative Report.

October 2020

Value-for-money is a daily concern, driven by funding constraints and compliance. So what are the key considerations for academy trusts and CEOs?

October 2020

The Secretary of State has directed that remote education shall be a legal requirement. So what does this mean for schools and trusts?

October 2020

As a remote education offering is soon to become a legal requirement, a reminder that safeguarding duties persist.

October 2020

As a former academy trust CEO is barred from school management, we look at the lessons that can be learned.

September 2020

What are the legal considerations for school leaders?

September 2020

As covid restrictions flux and local lockdowns increase, agile governance is ever more important. What does this mean for schools and academy trusts?

September 2020

Unfair to dismiss for reputational damage when this was not put to the teacher as a formal allegation.

September 2020

Following lockdown and the phased and full opening of schools, we look at the importance of ensuring your contracts are up-to-date.

August 2020

We look at how students might request grading information from schools and colleges following results day and how to deal with such requests.

August 2020

A court case has confirmed that members of charitable companies are fiduciaries and owe duties as such. We look at what this means for academy trusts.

August 2020

It's now over two years to the month since the biggest change in data protection law for a generation.

July 2020

This article touches on governance, charity law and conflicts.

July 2020

This article explains the legal requirements that come with exempt charity status.

July 2020

The Black Lives Matter movement has made diversity a focus for schools and trusts. We look at the Charity Governance Code and how this can help you.

July 2020

This article explores the use of DPIAs in schools, when they must be used and tips on undertaking a meaningful assessment of data protection risks.

June 2020

The following guide summarises the key requirements that members and boards of academy trusts must satisfy when making decisions.

June 2020

The new Academies Financial Handbook has been published which will be effective from 1st September 2020. We look here at what it means for your trust.

June 2020

Sixth form colleges are governed by corporations or academy trusts, as exempt charities. We explore what this means and complying with their duties.

June 2020

Teachers are finding it understandably difficult to adapt to remote working.

June 2020

We look at a recent case which has provided helpful clarity in relation to a school’s capacity to enter contracts.

June 2020

The history of the trade union movement evidences the impact unions have had on protecting the health, safety and welfare of staff.

June 2020

Wrigleys Solicitors and Satis Education partner up to provide a comprehensive service for academy trusts.

May 2020

Why are criminals using international students and what can students' unions be doing to raise awareness and protect students?

May 2020

We look here at whether schools and academy trusts must comply with DfE guidance on the phased wider opening of schools from 1 June 2020.

May 2020

We summarise here the key elements of the phased wider opening of schools from 1 June 2020, announced by the Government on 11 May 2020.

April 2020

We look here at the changes to admissions appeals procedures being introduced by the DfE in response to Covid-19.

April 2020

We look here at the DfE guidance, published today, on school funding for the exceptional costs associated with Covid-19.

April 2020

With schools closed, exams cancelled and new guidance issued on almost a daily basis schools are adapting quickly to deal with the current crisis.

April 2020

Many independent schools are facing extremely difficult decisions in the light of the Covid-19 restrictions.

April 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic is a "black swan" event and lockdown, social distancing and self isolation are the immediate consequences for individuals.

March 2020

We look here at the precise terms of the Government announcement and the options open to special schools.

March 2020

The Information Commissioners Officer (ICO) has recently issued reprimands to two schools.

February 2020

It's been almost two years since the GDPR came into force. We look at its impact and the ways schools can develop best practice in data protection.

January 2020

We look here at what it means for a school or academy trust to be an exempt charity and how they can comply with their duties.

November 2019

We look here at the key Conservative pledges for schools following publication of their manifesto yesterday.

November 2019

We look here at the pledges for schools in the Brexit Party's 'Contract with the People', published on Friday.

November 2019

We look here at the key Labour Party pledges for schools and the National Education Service, following publication of their manifesto yesterday.

November 2019

We look here at the key Liberal Democrat pledges for schools and the early years following publication of their manifesto yesterday.

November 2019

Given the uncertain election outcome and the chance that the Greens may find themselves in coalition with Labour and the SNP, it is worth a read.

November 2019

We look here at the manifesto pledges schools can expect to see ahead of the General Election on 12th December.

September 2019

Recent changes to non-statutory guidance produced by the Safer Recruitment Consortium

September 2019

Why schools might be cautiously optimistic going into the new year.

July 2019

Keeping Children Safe in Education: revised statutory guidance is expected to be in place from 2 September 2019.

July 2019

We look here at the key messages from the latest ESFA letter to accounting officers of academy trusts to help you plan and prepare for what's coming.

July 2019

We look here at the key changes included in the Academies Financial Handbook 2019 and what this means for the sector.

June 2019

The key findings and recommendations of the Timpson Review of School Exclusion and the impact on exclusions and behaviour management in practice.

June 2019

And what to do when directors go rogue…

May 2019

An agreed exit for school staff via a settlement agreement may be trickier than you think…

May 2019

An agreed exit for school staff via a settlement agreement may be trickier than you think…

April 2019

Marie-Louise Hamilton has been appointed managing partner and will start the role in May 2019.

March 2019

Assessing the implications of an absence of affordable housing for teachers, and considering how schools' surplus land could provide solutions.

March 2019

Looking at the increasing trend for local authorities to charge for exclusions and the legality of this under the relevant funding regulations.

February 2019

The key elements of the, often either misunderstood or not properly implemented, exclusions procedure for maintained schools and academies.

February 2019

School successfully challenges council's alteration of an Education and Health Care Plan and naming of an unsuitable school

October 2018

The sector is under fire again. What is being done and what can you do?

October 2018

The disqualification by association rules no longer apply to those working in schools and nurseries.

October 2018

We take a look here at what was new in the key policy announcements made by Damian Hinds in his speech to the Conservative Party Conference.

October 2018

We take a look here at what we can learn from the speech by the Shadow Education Secretary, Angela Rayner, to the Labour Party Conference.

September 2018

We look at an example of utilising school land and property, and how the school and academy trust should act.

September 2018

Disabled pupils with a tendency to abuse others physically should not fall outside the protection of discrimination legislation

July 2018

From the 1 August 2018, important changes are being made to the automatic disqualification rules for charity trustees.

July 2018

What circumstances mean an academy trust may need to set up a subsidiary company to carry out trading activity, in order to comply with charity law?

July 2018

We take a look at the evidence provided to the House of Commons Education Select Committee on 'Educating The North'

June 2018

Paying holiday pay at the rate of 12.07% of pay may not always comply with contractual or statutory entitlements.

June 2018

The first stage of the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard came into force in April 2018, affecting schools that act as landlords for their properties.

May 2018

In this article, we look briefly at the role of the clerk, and what resources are available to schools to make sure that their clerk is supported.

May 2018

New statutory guidance on "Keeping Children Safe in Education" is expected to be in place for 3 September 2018.

May 2018

Wrigleys is delighted to have Graham Shaw join the team of education specialists.

April 2018

Senior staff may have an implied contractual duty to disclose relationships with sex offenders to assist the governors in their safeguarding duties

March 2018

Tribunal criticises academy trust for imposing behaviour policy at the expense of a disabled pupil's education

March 2018

The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman, Michael King, has stated that 80% of the EHC plan complaints received by his office have been upheld

February 2018

There has been a lot in the news about the appointment of a liquidator for Carillion and what this could mean for existing contracts with schools.

February 2018

A summary of some of the more interesting and important employment cases concerning schools over the last 12 months.

January 2018

We consider the potential TUPE risks for a Multi Academy Trust which takes day to day control of a school before the transfer date.

January 2018

This article discusses the importance of a strong governing board, to act as a check and a balance on executive decision making.

November 2017

What do schools need to look out for and do differently to other organisations?

November 2017

Could your school be contravening the Equality Act 2010 by not admitting a transgender pupil?

October 2017

Many academy trusts raise additional funds to supplement government funding. This article covers points to consider when looking at income generation.

October 2017

Court of Appeal holds that girls and boys in an Islamic state school are discriminated against by being segregated throughout the school day.

October 2017

With victims of modern slavery in England likely to number over 10,000, we consider supply chain transparency requirements for academy trusts.

October 2017

Strong and stable might no longer be a fashionable phrase, but that's exactly what good governance of academy trusts is all about.

October 2017

Wrigleys team up with data protection expert to provide practical training for schools

October 2017

When the chalk-face meets the thin blue line: handling police involvement with school staff.

September 2017

In this article, we look at who the members of an academy trust are, what they do, and what they should consider when making decisions.

September 2017

Can schools decide what pupils can eat while at school?

September 2017

We look at the recent movement in schools towards gender neutral school uniforms and the legal duties of schools in relation to uniform policies.

September 2017

A reminder of the issues that can arise with school accommodation and how to deal with them.

September 2017

New term, new AFH. Tim Wrigley looks at the latest edition.

September 2017

Efficiency or a nail in the coffin of autonomy?

September 2017

Is this Memorandum of Understanding a sign of serious action to come?

July 2017

We summarise the elements of GDPR that are specific for schools and academies. We highlight what is important to be aware of and what to prepare for.

June 2017

Can independent schools keep their school fee salary sacrifice schemes in place?

June 2017

A reminder of when academies need ESFA consent.

June 2017

Wrigleys are pleased to announce 4 promotions in the firm's Leeds office.

May 2017

Was a job applicant with Asperger's Syndrome discriminated against by being required to sit a psychometric test? Yes, held the EAT

February 2017

Draft regulations bring relief to maintained schools with less than 250 employees.

February 2017

Scenario: A case study of how a school encountered problems when ramping up its fundraising activities and guidance on how you can keep to the rules.

February 2017

What can academies do with cash they don't immediately need?

February 2017

From 6 April 2017, many schools will be required to pay the new Apprenticeship Levy. We recommend 4 practical steps to take now.

February 2017

Yes, maybe. Schools should be aware that an unclear COT3 settlement agreement could allow an employee to bring future employment tribunal claims.

February 2017

A reminder to schools & charities following an inquiry that found a charity had permitted its website and social media to promote terrorist causes.

January 2017

From April 2017, new regulations set a target number of apprenticeship starts for public sector employers of 2.3% of their total workforce.

January 2017

Solicitor Stuart Armstrong of SV Armstrong has developed a Health & Safety Leadership Checklist as an introduction for those managing academies.

January 2017

Parental concern about asbestos in schools is resulting in greater numbers of FOI requests and so it is vital for academies and MATs to be prepared.

December 2016

In a report relevant for academies and maintained schools, an ICO investigation concluded that charities had breached the Data Protection Act.

December 2016

Spreadsheet released illustrating the impact of the proposed formula on your individual schools

December 2016

High Court rules draft Ofsted report was wrong to label segregation of girls and boys discriminatory.

October 2016

Tim Wrigley considers the future for schools MATs and governing bodies.

September 2016

Actions required for ALL schools following key changes to statutory safeguarding guidance from September 2016.

September 2016

With great power, comes great responsibility. How true is this for governance of academies and schools?

September 2016

Reminders and good practice tips for securing value for money both at procurement and during the life of major contracts.

August 2016

Schools that have salary sacrifice schemes as a benefit for staff paying school fees can take part in the government consultation on proposed reforms.

August 2016

Employers who use the £30,000 tax exemption on termination payments are invited to consult on the proposed reforms.

August 2016

Many schools will need to be ready for the new rules on reporting pay statistics for men and women from as early as April 2017.

August 2016

Guidance to schools on balancing community relationships when expansion and development is opposed.

July 2016

A reminder about the legal restrictions there are on what you can do with an academy's land and buildings.

July 2016

Academy trusts are companies and as such are subject to statutory reporting obligations under the Companies Acts.

July 2016

We look at the movement in schools towards non gender specific policies and procedures.

July 2016

Guidance from DfE updated on 1 July for employers, governing bodies, school leaders and staff in maintained schools and academies.

June 2016

Not necessarily, said the Scottish Court of Session (Inner House).

May 2016

A brief look at recent charity law and company law developments which are of relevance to independent schools.

May 2016

Wrigleys is pleased to announce 3 promotions in its private client and charity property teams.

May 2016

Despite the change of Government policy, we consider the reasons why it is likely that academisation will continue to accelerate.

April 2016

In this article, we consider the wider implications of sexting on children, teachers and parents.

April 2016

How will the new rules on reporting pay statistics for men and women affect larger independent schools?

April 2016

When might a member of school staff be making a disclosure in the public interest and so be protected under employment legislation?

April 2016

What are the key factors leading to the increased cost of employing school staff?

April 2016

What are the likely effects of a Brexit on those UK employment laws of most relevance to the independent school sector?

April 2016

What do bursars need to know about the taxation of payments to employees on the termination of their employment?

April 2016

What should be considered before dismissing school staff who have been employed for less than two years?

March 2016

Handling negative comments, complaints and criticisms about the school or staff made on social media can be a minefield for the leadership team.

March 2016

Recent reports have highlighted the difficulties schools face when parents become involved in these disputes.

March 2016

The Supreme Court unanimously ruled that an employer was "vicariously liable" for the actions of its employee in an unprovoked attack on a customer.

March 2016

An employer who reasonably believed that an employee was lying about his symptoms was entitled to find gross misconduct.

February 2016

A recent Employment Tribunal case highlights the need for schools to be aware of the possible duty to make reasonable adjustments for dyslexic staff.

February 2016

Following a meeting with the DfE this week, we confirm a short update for Sixth Form Colleges.

February 2016

Schools hold large amounts of personal data relating to pupils and staff, which makes them particularly vulnerable to data breaches through hacking.

February 2016

All academies must have a complaints procedure in place. This article summarises the guidance available.

February 2016

The DfE issued new guidance seeking to clarify who legally constitutes a parent, their rights, and the school's responsibilities towards individuals.

January 2016

On conversion, local authorities often provide schools with their asbestos reports. Unfortunately these reports are sometimes inaccurate.

January 2016

A recent case resulted in a £2 million fine to the landowner following the death of a boy critically injured whilst trespassing.

January 2016

As a charity, occupying and using school premises for school purposes, academies are entitled to an 80% reduction in their business rates.

January 2016

Did an education trust discriminate against a teacher on the ground of age by replacing her with a less experienced teacher? 'No' ruled the EAT

December 2015

The Bill has now been through the detailed amendments process in Parliament and is now unlikely to change significantly before it becomes law.

October 2015

We analyse the Bill's progress through the House of Lords and considers the prospects of some interesting changes.

October 2015

We look at academy disclosure requirements - an area where some academies unwittingly fall short, particularly in relation to information on websites

October 2015

DfE has added to its academy funding agreements to make provision for coasting.

October 2015

Exploring the lawfulness of schools demanding financial contributions from parents

September 2015

The annual reissue of the Academies Financial Handbook, effective from 1 September, continues the steady flow of additional requirements for academies

September 2015

Two recent changes relating to the treatment of holiday pay are important for schools and academies to note.

September 2015

Wrigleys celebrates another successful year for its trainee recruitment process, and welcomes Trusts and Estates specialist solicitor Kieran McIvor.

July 2015

A group of our staff cycled 40 miles across the Yorkshire hills, between the Sheffield and Leeds offices to raise money for the Alzheimer's Society.

July 2015

The new Ofsted Common Inspection Framework comes into effect in September.

July 2015

We now have some further detail on what a 'coasting' school may look like.

July 2015

A reminder to academy schools of some of the key requirements and available resources.

June 2015

The Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act arrived with little fanfare but there are points to note for the company secretary.

June 2015

Trustees are reminded that guidance on governance is available from a number of sources.

June 2015

A FAQ guide to how the Freedom of Information Act 2000 applies to academies

June 2015

Are you caught by the new duty to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism?

June 2015

What does it mean for schools and academies?

May 2015

If you have been lucky enough to receive Condition Improvement Funding or other funding for building works, here are a few things to think about.

May 2015

Friday will see thousands of people across the globe spend a working day volunteering for good causes in their local community

May 2015

Wrigleys welcomes the arrival of Laura Moss to its charity team and Alexandra Hempsey to its commercial property and education property teams.

April 2015

A short roundup for schools on legal developments that you may have missed over the Spring term.

March 2015

Dementia Friends Champions Charlotte Buckley and Amy Slinn have held Friends' information sessions for 96 people at Wrigleys...and counting!

December 2014

The DfE has recently published new model funding agreements for both single and multi academy mainstream academies and free schools.

November 2014

A short round up for schools on the legal developments at mid term.

October 2014

We are delighted to share the news that Matthew Wrigley received the Presidents' Award at the Yorkshire Legal Awards.

September 2014

A short roundup for schools on legal developments that you may have missed over the summer.

September 2014

Yes – says the High Court in the case of Camurat v Thurrock Borough Council (July 2014)

July 2014

Many schools struggle with the question whether or when to convert to academy status.

June 2014

The DfE has now released the draft membership Rules for the RPA for academies. This article considers the position and advises a way forward.

May 2014

A view on the Department for Education's new Risk Protection Arrangement.

December 2013

The community right to bid was introduced through the Localism Act 2011 which allows the Academy Trust to make an application to the Local Authority to register land of "community value" (which can be either private or public land). The land must have been used or is currently used for furthering social well-being or social interests of the local community and will continue to do so to be registered as land of community value e.g. a community centre. If the land is subsequently registered as being of community value and that land was ever for sale then the Academy Trust would be notified and given a right to bid on the land.

Load more
21 Oct 2024

Law Commission Review of the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 Consultation Paper No.264 September 2024

Law Commission consults on modernisation of Co-operative and Community Benefit Society law. Deadline 10th December 2024.

17 Oct 2024

Parent Teacher Associations – should you seek charitable registration?

When should a PTA seek charitable registration and what does that mean?

10 Oct 2024

Education and Skills Funding Agency to move to the Department for Education

Education and Skills Funding Agency to close and its functions to be integrated into the Department for Education by 31 March 2025.