Legal and financial advice for injured, disabled or vulnerable people
Here at Wrigleys we have a special focus on protecting the interests of injured, disabled or vulnerable people.
Injured People
Unlike many lawyers who look after the finances and wider concerns of injured people, Wrigleys are not personal injury litigators.
Instead we concentrate on the financial and associated legal needs of people who have been injured, both during the course of litigation and for the rest of their lives.
We know that injured people have a number of inter-connecting issues to deal with which often go beyond the purely “legal” aspects.
Disabled or Vulnerable People
People can be vulnerable for a variety of reasons some of which Wrigleys may be able to help with. For example:
- Dealing with financial affairs.
- Organising care requirements or support for existing carers.
- Advising on means tested support to meet the disabled or vulnerable person's needs (for example, it might not be advisable for them to receive an inheritance outright).
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'The Court of Protection Team at Wrigleys clearly knows the law, they are proactive, highly competent, focused on the best interests of their clients, efficient, professional, experienced and knowledgeable. It is always a professional pleasure to deal with them on a contested Statutory Will matter.'
'Jane Netting has clear expertise in this field. She makes herself available to discuss matters, with a clear focus on the best interest of the incapacitated person. She is pragmatic, evidently happy to explore matters with the Official Solicitor and her drafting is clear and precise.'
Legal 500 (2023)