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September 2024

When a group of boaters decided they no longer wanted to be dictated to by distant shareholders, they formed a co-op to take control of their moorings

July 2024

Having helped Lune Valley CLT to purchase a site for their proposed housing development, we went along to take a look at the results…

June 2024

We held an event on 22nd May to celebrate our legal guide for land disposal by Parochial Church Councils.

April 2024

A new guide is available to inform Parochial Church Councils who may be considering repurposing church land to deliver new affordable homes.

April 2024

What are the key issues to consider when thinking about joining a cohousing community?

April 2024

Laura Moss achieves accreditation as a community-led housing advisor.

April 2024

This article is the latest in our cohousing series following our team member as she develops her own cohousing scheme.

February 2024

Here we examine the latest planning policy revisions in England and Wales and their implications for community-led housing proposals.

January 2024

Wrigleys acts for Leeds Community Homes purchase within Climate Innovation District development.

January 2023

What benefit to the public does cohousing have, can you protect such benefits in the long term and why does it matter?

September 2022

Are community-led housing projects subject to the community infrastructure levy, and what can they do about it?

September 2022

We signpost useful resources for CLH groups that will assist whether you are at the beginning of your journey or a well-established community.

August 2022

An introduction to the Equality Act 2010.

August 2022

Can an asset-locked society be converted into a community interest company (CIC)?

August 2022

Conflicts are part of life; what are the best ways for cohousing groups to prevent and if necessary, resolve conflict?

July 2022

There are so many community and individual needs to balance that it can be hard to keep track of what has been discussed and agreed.

March 2022

We look at how lenders view cohousing leases.

November 2021

One of the partners in our community-led housing team is currently developing her own cohousing project in Cumbria.

November 2021

A new report released by the National Housing Federation offers useful guidance for groups.

November 2021

Watch our video in which the Wrigleys community-led housing team share stories of legal issues faced by CLTs and how these were solved.

November 2021

Wrigleys recently hosted a climate café for community-led-housing projects, which generated thoughtful discussions and lots of buzzy energy.

September 2021

The deadline is fast approaching to apply for the next stage of the Community Housing Fund.

September 2021

Ever wanted to live on a boat? – The community led housing (CLH) movement continues to grow, and we look at ways in which CLH might take to the water.

July 2021

Will the proposals for financing the removal of Grenfell-style cladding affect community-led housing groups?

July 2021

The prospectus for the next round of the Community Housing Fund should be published in August. Groups hoping to apply need to start preparing now.

May 2021

The government is due to release its new model shared ownership lease, following on from a recent consultation that drew over 250 responses.

May 2021

Draft bill excludes community housing leases from new rules prohibiting the charging of financial ground rents on new, long residential leases.

May 2021

Community land trusts could take on a central community role in a post-Covid world by providing co-working spaces.

April 2021

Community groups will be able to bid for funding from June 2021, to help rescue local community assets at risk of being lost.

March 2021

One of the partners in our community-led housing team is currently developing her own cohousing project in Cumbria.

February 2021

As part of its response to the Building Better, Building Beautiful Commission report.

November 2020

Interest in establishing a Mutual Home Ownership Society (MHOS) is growing among CLH groups. We explore what it means to be an MHOS & how it works.

November 2020

Long-term affordability is often a key aim for community-led housing groups. Here, we outline models which can facilitate perpetual affordability.

October 2020

It’s become increasingly popular for surplus land to be considered by town & parish councils for community-led housing. We explore the reasons why.

August 2020

HMRC has announced two new tax reliefs for housing co-operatives.

July 2020

Latest updates from the Law Commission report.

July 2020

Law Commission recommends exemptions for CLH developments from freehold acquisition claims.

July 2020

Follow our solicitor as she develops her own cohousing project.

June 2020

Increasingly, charities are considering including community-led housing as part of their activities - we look at some of the key considerations here.

May 2020

Our CLH team held a virtual social in May, the theme of which was what the future holds for the sector, in the aftermath of the Covid-19 epidemic.

May 2020

The Wrigleys community-led housing team is delivering a series of bite-size webinars.

February 2020

Our solicitor Laura Moss talks about her own experiences developing a co-housing project.

February 2020

Do community-led housing organisations need to register with the Information Commissioner's Office?

February 2020

The Spring Budget is due to be announced on 11 March 2020, will the Community Housing Fund be affected?

January 2020

Developers are adopting new practices in response to the proposed ban on leasehold houses.

October 2019

Could the recent growth in student housing co-operatives be one solution to the challenge of housing students in an affordable, fair way?

October 2019

There are a number of interesting projects happening in York at the moment, the most high profile of which are:

October 2019

One of the solicitors in our community-led housing team, Laura Moss, is in the process of setting up her own cohousing project.

August 2019

The Wrigleys community-led housing team are hosting a series of lunchtime Twitter Q&A sessions throughout September and October.

August 2019

We are very pleased to announce that we are working on proposals to develop low cost homes in York, with Yorspace and Lowfield Green Housing Co-op.

July 2019

Have you had any issues in obtaining funding?

July 2019

Proposed community led-housing exemption

July 2019

We are seeing an increasing number of town councils and parish councils explore the possibility of using their surplus land for community-led housing.

July 2019

How might community-led housing help in providing enough rental housing for our ageing population?

June 2019

We find that groups struggle to find accountants who can provide the specialist tax advice needed, we want to share our experience to benefit you.

May 2019

Time is running out to help extend the Community Housing Fund as the deadline for the Government's recent call for information is this Friday 31 May.

May 2019

An event fee is a charge made by a landlord on the occurrence of a specified event, for instance, if a tenant sells its lease.

January 2019

Continuing our series examining key community-led housing concepts, we look at cohousing as an alternative to more conventional projects.

December 2018

We look at the impact of proposed changes to enfranchisement law – community-led housing (CLH) groups should respond before 7 January 2019.

October 2018

The first article in a new series, Back to Basics in Community-Led Housing, examining the key concepts in community-led housing.

October 2018

We look at the impact of community-led housing group's policies on the covenants in its leases - the written obligations between landlord and tenant.

September 2018

Set out below is a suggested budget representation on the impact of SDLT and ATED on co-operative societies.

July 2018

The community-led housing sector received welcome news this July, the fund provides grant funding for community groups in early stage of development.

April 2018

In this article, we look at the innovative solutions which community-led housing offers for young people having difficulties securing their own home.

February 2018

What could this mean for co-housing & community-led housing?

January 2018

We look at the impact on co-housing & community-led housing

October 2017

Interested in community-led housing? Join us on Saturday 4 November at the Friend's Meeting House in Lancaster.

September 2017

There are a number of community-led housing events on the horizon, which demonstrates the growing interest in this sector.

July 2017

We have compiled a list of grants, loans and other finance options for community-led housing and co-housing groups.

July 2017

CBSs are as popular as ever, so this article explores the background and benefits to using a society to deliver your organisation's purposes.

July 2017

Practical examples of societies we have recently registered, to give an idea of the range of projects which societies can be used for.

July 2017

Wrigleys has been involved in this interesting proposal to re-use an unloved NHS office building for a co-housing scheme.

July 2017

Wrigleys has been involved in this ground-breaking scheme to ensure perpetually affordable accommodation for individuals meeting certain criteria.

July 2017

The community-led housing team are hosting an informal get-together in London on Friday 28 July for community-led housing groups.

June 2017

Did you know that landlords (incl community housing landlords) are obliged to consult with tenants under 'long term tenancy agreements'?

June 2017

We are often asked is how to make housing affordable in perpetuity. There is no easy answer, though this article explores a possible solution.

May 2017

This glossary is intended to help those new to the community-led housing sector understand some of the terminology which crops up from time to time.

April 2017

An update on the Government's 5 year £60 million pa fund to support community-led housing.

March 2017

Groups can help to secure this funding through eligible local authorities. Find out how your group may benefit from this fund.

February 2017

A new Government White Paper may ease planning for community-led housing and support some rural projects and CLTs

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21 Oct 2024

Law Commission Review of the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 Consultation Paper No.264 September 2024

Law Commission consults on modernisation of Co-operative and Community Benefit Society law. Deadline 10th December 2024.

17 Oct 2024

Parent Teacher Associations – should you seek charitable registration?

When should a PTA seek charitable registration and what does that mean?

10 Oct 2024

Education and Skills Funding Agency to move to the Department for Education

Education and Skills Funding Agency to close and its functions to be integrated into the Department for Education by 31 March 2025.