Charity fundraising and trading advice from Wrigleys' specialists
Charities are frequently looking to fundraise, for example through events, activities, donations and trading.
Fundraising remains one of the principal ways in which the public are made aware of a charity's existence and its aims and objectives.
As fundraising may be so influential in defining the public's perception of the charity, there are restrictions on the methods that should be used and the relationship that may exist between the charity and any fundraising agent.
Fundraising itself is not a charitable activity and trustees must take account of the risks involved in any fundraising event as they would with any trading activity.
Of course, charities and social enterprises do trade and do make profit. The issue is to ensure profits are dealt with properly and in ways compliant with the Charities Acts and tax laws.
Get it wrong and not only is the exempt tax status at risk but also charitable status itself. Potentially there may also be personal liability on the part of the directors and trustees.
For further information, please get in touch
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'Allia has been relying on the advice and expertise of Wrigleys for over 20 years. The team combines deep knowledge of their field with sensible practicality and commercial awareness, and I am glad to have them as both valued advisors and friends.'
Phil Caroe, Director Deal Execution, Allia
'The Wrigleys team provide excellent support. They are skilled finance lawyers who also understand the social impact we’re trying to create. They know the social investment sector and help us to build strong relationships with the organisations we invest in.'
Charlotte Benson, Co-Head of Legal, Better Society Capital