Wrigleys are experts in advising on and creating statutory wills
If someone lacks the capacity to make their own Will then it is possible to apply to the Court of Protection for the authority to sign a Will on their behalf. This is called a Statutory Will application.
This type of application is relatively unusual and not straight forward. Wrigleys are experts in this niche area of law. We can guide you through the process from start to finish and advise you on the prospects of success. We can use our experience to advise whether the Court is likely to authorise a particular Will and the criteria it will take into account when making an Order.
If you are thinking about making a Statutory Will application or are already involved in an ongoing application contact Jane Netting for advice. Jane is based in our Sheffield office so charges the lowest Court of Protection guideline rates across the country.
For further information please do not hesitate to contact us.
Statutory Wills case study: Click here to read Mavis' Story
'The Court of Protection Team at Wrigleys clearly knows the law, they are proactive, highly competent, focused on the best interests of their clients, efficient, professional, experienced and knowledgeable. It is always a professional pleasure to deal with them on a contested Statutory Will matter.'
'Jane Netting has clear expertise in this field. She makes herself available to discuss matters, with a clear focus on the best interest of the incapacitated person. She is pragmatic, evidently happy to explore matters with the Official Solicitor and her drafting is clear and precise.'
Legal 500 (2023)