What is asset protection?
There are many different forms and methods of asset protection. For private individuals, asset protection is a planning tool which safeguards one’s life savings and property from those who might claim against it (perhaps family members or Inheritance Tax).
Why does asset protection matter?
Many people worry that spiralling property prices now mean that even a simple home can attract heavy Inheritance Tax bills that will quickly deplete an estate. If you are caring for a disabled or vulnerable relative these worries may be all the more acute, as any legacy you leave may have to provide for your relative’s special needs after you are no longer around.
A safe route forward
Asset protection is therefore a valuable consideration when planning for the future and Wrigleys’ specialists will give all the guidance and help you need to make the right choices and arrangements for you and yours.
It’s important to understand that asset protection must be planned well in advance: it’s impossible to protect one’s assets from the claims of any creditor once those claims are on the horizon, so planning ahead is the key. The law around asset protection is very complicated and it’s important to seek help from experienced legal experts, like those at Wrigleys. We can advise on how to safely, legally and efficiently protect your assets for you and your loved ones and we’ll guide you smoothly through the process.
For expert help and complete peace of mind, call us on 0114 267 5588.